The majority of mobile ad dollars are going towards boring (or worse, annoying) ads that alienate consumers and negatively impact brands. To find out what ads captivate consumers and which aggravate them, Kargo and Media Science conducted a study on…



Published: Summer 2019

Mobile devices are now the single most-used platform for media consumption with nearly 4 hours of use per day, just slightly ahead of television. Along with the rapid increase in usage, advancements in mobile technology are driving shifts in content creation, distribution, and consumption. How have these changes impacted marketers and advertisers looking to reach their audiences on mobile? Has this affected consumers’ platform usage within mobile - specifically, consumer engagement in-app? Where can advertisers achieve the best value on mobile in 2019?


In 2017, Kargo published its landmark study, Web vs. App, which debunked many of the myths surrounding consumer interactions with the most common apps. The research found that as much as 20% of the time consumers spent on mobile was within mobile web, nearly equaling the time consumers spent on Facebook, the most commonly used app at the time. 

Two years later, mobile is now uniformly recognized by brand marketers not simply as a discretionary platform for advertising, but rather as a key component to a brand’s overall marketing strategy. Yet the question remains: How much budget should brand marketers allocate to mobile web vs in-app?

The Goal & methodology

Mobile devices are now the single most-used platform for media consumption with nearly 4 hours of use per day, just ahead of television. Along with the rapid increases in usage, advancements in mobile technology are driving shifts in content creation, distribution, and consumption. How have these changes impacted marketers and advertisers looking to reach their audiences on mobile? Has this affected consumers’ platform usage within mobile - specifically, consumer engagement in-app? And, where can advertisers achieve the best value on mobile in 2019?

Designed to expand upon the company’s 2017 study, also titled Web vs. App, Kargo partnered with Verto Analytics to measure consumer usage behavior and to compare how consumers use mobile web and mobile apps.

Key Learnings

  • How has app usage changed over the past two years? 

  • How do consumers interact with the myriad categories of apps? 

  • When and where are consumers accessing mobile web content? 

  • What is mobile web’s place in the overall mobile landscape?
